Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why Bad Web Host Reviews?

Many Web Hosts are scum. This is true because they will constantly oversell services which they cannot provide reasonably. The problem is compounded with user agreements that supposely makes it clear their responsibilities and yours. Problem is, you lose money when they don't fulfill their end while you continually remain victims of inane or arrogant employees and policies. This blog has come from such interaction.

I will list the companies here where you should NOT and mean NEVER do business. The sole reason is they are not customer oriented. Meaning they have a target base that never uses in most cases, 20 percent of what they are offering in bandwidth or cpu load. Unlike other websites that pretend to be honest or transparent in their relationships they nevertheless make money from referring web hosts. This conflict of interest cannot be circumvented. Example is

This site makes NO MONEY whatsoever from referring customers to any service we recommend. This site makes no money from ads placed on this site. There are no ADS period! This site also don't pretend to be a forum like which is just a place for web hosts to advertise. It is not a place to find a web host. It is a place to become a web host.

Should you decide on purchasing web hosting from the companies listed below. Do not waste your time attempting to get credit or negoatite with them. Speak to your credit card and request a chargeback or dispute and start looking for a new host. Any sort of attempts to prevent cancellations while touted as for the customer's best interest rarely is. Once you make a request and provide them with your login/password there ends your responsibilities.

The posts here are accurate and honest opinions of the web hosts available online. We do not engage in false testimonials for great web hosting, nor do we delete the bad posts for web hosting when we can make money. You can rely on us to help you avoid the bad web hosts out there. Thank you
